Co-Energy continues its endeavors to promote climatech. As opposed to other fields of the hi-tech industry, in climatech a surgical pin point solution approach won’t work. It will fail due to either lack of technological scalability or due to lack of financial attractiveness. We at Co-Energy advocate for a holistic point of view on climatech, where a strategic vision that encompasses waste treatment, clean energy production, decarbonization etc. is the best option to present a technology that works in large scales and offers an attractive ROI.

Companies, investors and governments alike need to choose sustainable solutions not because of some martyred position on the importance of mitigating climate change effects, but because sustainable solutions are the wise financial choice with better economy at their foundations.

This is Co-Energy’s philosophy on climatech, and it has proven itself time and time again. We appreciate the opportunity to take an active role in the climatech industry and happy to do it in person after two years of communicating remote.

Aviv Dekel, VP Business Development & Marketing, and Dean Solomon, Co-Founder

On June 30th, 2022, Co-Energy participated in the first ever Israeli conference on carbon sequestration, held in Shfa’im, central Israel.

Co-Energy at the First Israeli Conference on Carbon Sequestration, June 2022 a
Co-Energy at the First Israeli Conference on Carbon Sequestration, June 2022 a

Co-Energy is an industry leader when it comes to promote technologies that generate high quality carbon sequestration. Converting organic waste to biochar, in a circular economy based system that itself has almost net-zero emissions, is by far the best available and profitable method to sequester carbon by the tons.

During the conference, Co-Energy’s client, Or Pecham Haaretz, presented how they employ Co-energy’s groundbreaking technology to convert wood waste and sludge into biochar. Each ton of biochar can capture an outstanding figure of approximately 1.5 tons of carbon from the atmosphere. Co-Energy’s organics-to-biochar plants can handle three tons per hour per module, so the math on how efficient it is in sequestering carbon is apparent.

Co-Energy attaches great importance to being an active industry leader in promoting carbon reductions technologies, working with our partners at governmental ministries and colleagues from the industry to promote this critical discussion and joining forces to mitigate climate change affects. By presenting a solid financial model to our clients, we believe sustainability and climatech should and can go hand in hand with cost effectiveness and profitability.

Co-Energy at the First Israeli Conference on Carbon Sequestration, June 2022 a
Co-Energy at the First Israeli Conference on Carbon Sequestration, June 2022 a

Co-Energy is a proud sponsor of the Wall Street Green Summit 2022, held online during the final week of March 2022. During the fourth day of the Summit on March 31st, in the morning panel dedicated to discussing ClimateTech Solutions and Innovations Day, Co-Energy’s COO Ms. Aviv Dekel presented Co-Energy’s perception on connecting the dots between waste treatment, clean energy production, and de-carbonization.

In her presentation, Aviv discussed how waste treatment technologies need to breakthrough existing methods, while committing to rigorous environmental standards and abandoning old solutions such as landfilling or incineration. In parallel, clean energy production must present a cost-effective model which meets current challenges such as Hydrogen production at 2$ per Kg, energy storage and fuel production not based on fossils. And the thirds vector of the cleantech industry is the de-carbonization goals, which need to expand, greatly expand, and realize the true potential of net negative technologies.

And all three of those vectors must work together in a cost-effective business model otherwise they’ll stay as distant dreams. If we can achieve a fast return on investment on a waste-to-energy system that also generates net negative – it’s a win-win-win situation. For sustainable technologies to work they need to be green in profits, not only in environmental terms. Co-Energy’s presentation is available on YouTube, and we look forward to continue the dialogue on the cleantech industry, its challenges and amazing leap forward.

We are excited to share that on Feb. 21, 2022 another project was officially signed!
The project, with one of the leading organic waste treatment companies in Israel, is designed to convert 1 ton of organic waste per hour into biochar .
This is another exciting step towards realizing Co-Energy’s vision on a truly sustainable future achieved through cost-effective technological solutions to waste treatment.
Co-Energy sits at the intersection between waste treatment, clean energy production, and decarbonization, offering the most efficient and profitable way to marry those three elements.

During the last two weeks of January 2022 Co-Energy’s team members participated in the San Francisco Cleantech Forum 2022. Amongst the fascinating sessions on clean tech ground breaking technologies in a variety of fields and applications, we were excited to showcase Co-Energy’s novel technology which lies at the intersection between sustainable waste treatment, clean energy production and maximizing decarbonization potential.

The forum provided a wonderful opportunity to meet with partners and colleagues from around the world, and expand Co-Energy’s outreach to North America.

We look forward to continue being part of the frontline companies who lead the way in the cleantech industry.

We are excited to share a short video clip that presents Co Energy and our activity, including pictures from our system installed at Shachaf plant in Northern Israel.

We are extremely proud to announce that Co-Energy’s abstract entitled Preserving Marine Life with Waste-to-Energy Technology: An Industry Point of View by Co-Energy Ltd. has been selected for poster presentation at the prestigious 6th International EcoSummit, scheduled to be held in Gold Coast, Australia, on 14-18 June 2021.

The EcoSummit conferences have a long and respected legacy dated back to 1996 when the first EcoSummit was held in Copenhagen, Denmark. Since then the Summit has been considered a hub for scientists, industry and professionals, as well as policymakers from various disciplines, to brainstorm and consider ways and means to solve the integrated environmental, social and economic problems of the world.

The theme for the 6th International EcoSummit is “Building a sustainable and desirable future: Adapting to a changing land and sea scape”. As the program of the summit elaborates, the summit focuses on the sustainable solutions to the most pressing problems of our time. Co-Energy’s presentation will demonstrate Co-Energy’s unique business model which generates financial profit with extremely fast return-on-investment rate, thus making sustainability and cleaning the ocean from plastics attractive even from a pure economical perspective.

Co-Energy wishes to challenge the traditional thinking which identifies environmental preservation with philanthropy and sustainability motivation alone, and demonstrates how environmental preservation can also have a sound financial prospect, if the right technology is employed and utilized. We are excited and looking forward to present in the Summit.

During the past weeks we have been working diligently to raise public awareness for Co-Energy’s module, which provides a proven, financially beneficial solution in the field of waste-to-energy.

In December 2019 we had the honor of presenting our system before a delegation of members of parliament from South Africa, who expressed great interest in Co-Energy’s system. The combination of efficient waste treatment on the one hand, which does not require prolong and costly sorting processes, and the availability of an independent energy generation capability, has the potential of answering two of South Africa’s major challenges.

Meeting with members of Parliament from South Africa

As South Africa has been suffering from governmental initiated blackouts, the ability to produce energy in the form of electricity or fuel, without dependency on the central grid, holds many advantages. The minimal requirements Co-Energy’s plants need in order to do so make it even more feasible.

In January 2020 we had the privilege of meeting with civil society entrepreneurs and industry leaders from Ghana. The meeting was fascinating and reaffirmed what we at Co-Energy had known since the moment we started to design our system – it has to be a user-friendly interface and the plant must be built from the most outstanding materials in order to ensure minimal maintenance. At the end of the day, we want our clients to be independent in adjusting the plant to work according to their needs and capacities.

Meeting with industry leaders from Ghana

We are excited to continue meeting people from around the world, understanding their needs, and presenting to them the opportunity of an environmental and financially profitable method to treat waste and produce energy at the same time.