Elcon Recycling Center is an Israeli company fully owned by Shikun & Binui. The center is an advanced and modern factory located in Neot Hovav Eco-Industrial Park in the Negev, Israel, which provides a variety of services for the treatment and recycling of hazardous materials, sludge and industrial waste, including large volumes of plastic waste.

In the first stage a 0.5 ton/hour plant will be deployed in Elcon’s site, for a pilot period of ~6 months, during which Elcon will incorporate the plant into its overall operation in the recycling park.

After the pilot period the second stage of the project will commence, including a 6 ton/hour plant, consisting of three reactors each handling 2 ton/hour of plastic waste, which will be converted to 22,000,000 liters of fuel per year.

The requirements were to convert plastic waste to fuel as set forth:

  1. Incorporating Co-Energy’s plant into the existing facility with minimal footprint.
  2. Using Co-Energy’s unique and innovative technology (IP protected) with remote control advances monitoring.
  3. Produce fuel in a quality that is suitable to use in heavy vehicles.
  4. Treat all emissions, whether gas or liquid, in compliance with the most rigorous environmental standards. 

The first stage was commissioned in December 2023.

Kelheim and Tel Aviv, July 5th, 2023 – ValVeri AG and Co-Energy Ltd., two leading companies in the field of CleanTech and renewable energy, have announced a strategic partnership and launched a joint venture. The joint venture will focus on developing projects to convert plastic waste into hydrogen. The first project of this partnership will be implemented in Germany at the H2-DonauHub Kelheim (Bavaria).

ValVeri AG is known for its expertise in the areas of CleanTech, renewable energies and especially hydrogen. The company accompanies various activities to promote a sustainable energy industry and is already implementing various innovative technologies in various operative participations.

Co Energy Ltd. is an Israeli company specializing in the development and supply of technological solutions for generating energy from waste. With its expertise and experience, Co-Energy has established itself as a leading player in the field of sustainable energy.

Aviv Dekel, Acting CEO of Co-Energy stressed the importance of the collaboration: “Co-Energy is delighted to partner with Valveri and as each company brings their expertise and experience, this collaboration between Co-Energy and ValVeri will fundamentally transform the hydrogen market.”

Giorgio Karhausen, CEO of ValVeri, was also pleased about the cooperation and said: “I am pleased that we have succeeded in winning another innovative company from hydrogen technology for the cooperation. We want to use the excellent infrastructure in Kelheim to implement the joint venture with Co-Energy in the progressive environment at the H2-DonauHub.”

The first project of the joint venture will aim to convert plastic waste into hydrogen at the Kelheim site (Bavaria). This initiative will make an important contribution to sustainable energy supply and at the same time support the fight against plastic pollution.

The joint venture between ValVeri AG and Co-Energy Ltd. represents a significant step towards an environmentally friendly and sustainable future. The partnership brings together the expertise and resources of both companies to develop innovative energy harvesting solutions.

About ValVeri AG:

As a financial and management holding company, ValVeri AG is a leading company in the field of CleanTech, renewable energies and hydrogen. The company is committed to the development and implementation of sustainable solutions for energy generation.

About Co-Energy Ltd:

Co Energy Ltd. is a company specializing in the development and provision of technological solutions for generating energy from waste. The company has set itself the goal of creating sustainable waste-to-energy solutions that are cost-effective and reduce dependence on fossil fuels.

Press contacts:

Co-Energy Ltd.

Aviv Dekel – Acting CEO

Email: [email protected]

ValVeri AG

Anastasia Shafranskaya – Assistant to the CEO/Project Coordination

Email: [email protected]

After winning the Israeli Energy Tech All-Star in February 2023, Co-Energy received a VIP ticket to present at the Energy Tech Summit 2023, held in Warsaw, Poland on 26-27 April 2023.

The presentation was part of the Summit’s challenge for startup companies to show case new pathways to decarbonize and reach the target of annually removing 1 gigaton of carbon-dioxide from the atmosphere.

One of Co-Energy’s line of operation is converting organic waste to biochar, which is a great soil fertilizer that also sequesters carbon. Carbon sequestration with biochar is considered permanent and of high quality, making it especially attractive in the voluntary carbon markets.

Through its in-line continuous process, Co-Energy is able to convert millions of tons of biodegradable waste into biochar, meeting the 1 gigaton target quite easily.

As presented in the Summit, converting waste to energy holds many benefits: It is the most cost-effective method for waste treatment; it avoids future emissions in addition to removing already emitted greenhouse gases; it reduces scope 2 and scope 3 emissions as well; and it solves a huge problem of waste management.

Co-Energy is proud to be an industry leader in designing and creating technological solutions for converting different types of waste to a variety of energetic outputs.

March 16th, 2023, Co-Energy is happy to report that Co-Energy and Elcon Recycling Center have signed an agreement to establish a waste-to-energy pilot project, to convert plastic waste to diesel and electricity.

For the second year in a row, Co-Energy sponsors the Wall Street Green Summit.

As part of the summit, Co-Energy’s Vice President for Business Development participated on March 14th morning session on clean energy technologies, and presented Co-Energy’s waste to energy technology and its benefits in creating clean energy resources as well as for the climate-tech industry as a whole.

Co-Energy is proud and honored to present side by side with the outstanding speakers that presented at the session and the summit as a whole.

On February 13th, 2023, Ignite The Spark held their annual event of Israeli Energy Tech All Stars, in which they bring to stage their selection of top ten Israeli start ups in the Israeli energy tech eco system. The evening marked the highlight of several months’ bootcamp of meeting and workshops.

Co-Energy’s Vice President for Business Development and Marketing, Ms. Aviv Dekel, took the stage and delivered a five minutes pitch emphasizing Co-Energy’s main advantage – we have proven commercial capability to execute waste to energy project to the highest standards and we deliver actual results. This is particularly significant as we reflect back on 2022 and see the demarcation between companies that claim to have capabilities to those that actually have them.

Co-Energy takes pride in its well experienced team of excellent professionals from a wide range of technical and business backgrounds, a key issue when you’re setting up waste-to-energy projects that involve big robust machinery working in high temperatures with a challenging and ever changing feedstock.

As the winner of the event, Co-Energy received a ticket to participate in the Energy Tech Summit to be held in Warsaw, Poland, in April 2023.

Photos by “Ananim” Studio

Energy Tech Review selected Co-Energy to be at the TOP 10 Waste to Energy solution providers for 2023.

In it’s recent publication, the magazine featured an interview with Co-Energy’s chairman, Amir Cohen, introducing the work of Co-Energy and our unique perspective on converting waste to a high quality energetic product.

The article notes that “The plants operate continuously, which is significantly more efficient than a batch-wise process, saving energy along the way. It has a sophisticated control system with remote options for preserving process stability in the presence of non-homogeneous waste. The output energy can be stored and released on time per the advanced requirements for integrating renewable energies in the smart electricity grid.”

This is and exciting acknowledgement of Co-Energy’s endeavors in the waste-to-energy market, paving the way as top industry leader. With a track record of successful commercial capabilities and operational plants, we continue to shape the landscape of waste-to-energy.

On September 21st, 2022, Co-Energy’s staff participated in PLANETech World 2022 Conference, held at the Rabin Center, Tel Aviv. The conference was a wonderful opportunity to meet with potential partners and investors, showcasing Co-Energy’s technology of converting waste to energy through a circular economy solution and a net negative environment.

Co-Energy attaches great importance to being a market leader, and thus proactively engage with the climatech industry in front and behind the scenes, taking part in working groups and different forums committed to boost climatech in Israel and globally.

Co-Energy continues its endeavors to promote climatech. As opposed to other fields of the hi-tech industry, in climatech a surgical pin point solution approach won’t work. It will fail due to either lack of technological scalability or due to lack of financial attractiveness. We at Co-Energy advocate for a holistic point of view on climatech, where a strategic vision that encompasses waste treatment, clean energy production, decarbonization etc. is the best option to present a technology that works in large scales and offers an attractive ROI.

Companies, investors and governments alike need to choose sustainable solutions not because of some martyred position on the importance of mitigating climate change effects, but because sustainable solutions are the wise financial choice with better economy at their foundations.

This is Co-Energy’s philosophy on climatech, and it has proven itself time and time again. We appreciate the opportunity to take an active role in the climatech industry and happy to do it in person after two years of communicating remote.

Aviv Dekel, VP Business Development & Marketing, and Dean Solomon, Co-Founder

On June 30th, 2022, Co-Energy participated in the first ever Israeli conference on carbon sequestration, held in Shfa’im, central Israel.

Co-Energy at the First Israeli Conference on Carbon Sequestration, June 2022 a
Co-Energy at the First Israeli Conference on Carbon Sequestration, June 2022 a

Co-Energy is an industry leader when it comes to promote technologies that generate high quality carbon sequestration. Converting organic waste to biochar, in a circular economy based system that itself has almost net-zero emissions, is by far the best available and profitable method to sequester carbon by the tons.

During the conference, Co-Energy’s client, Or Pecham Haaretz, presented how they employ Co-energy’s groundbreaking technology to convert wood waste and sludge into biochar. Each ton of biochar can capture an outstanding figure of approximately 1.5 tons of carbon from the atmosphere. Co-Energy’s organics-to-biochar plants can handle three tons per hour per module, so the math on how efficient it is in sequestering carbon is apparent.

Co-Energy attaches great importance to being an active industry leader in promoting carbon reductions technologies, working with our partners at governmental ministries and colleagues from the industry to promote this critical discussion and joining forces to mitigate climate change affects. By presenting a solid financial model to our clients, we believe sustainability and climatech should and can go hand in hand with cost effectiveness and profitability.

Co-Energy at the First Israeli Conference on Carbon Sequestration, June 2022 a
Co-Energy at the First Israeli Conference on Carbon Sequestration, June 2022 a